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Easiest Countries to Get Laid in the World

Updated: Jun 20

A lot of my Clients often ask me what are the easiest countries to get laid in the world.

If you are looking to get laid easy while traveling then it is important to know which countries are the easiest to meet attractive women and get laid.

The easiest countries to get laid are: Brazil, Colombia, Philippines, Thailand, Hungary, Poland, and China


Sex is the national sport in Brazil and Brazil is by far the easiest country to get laid in the world.

I have personally been and hosted Live Infield Training in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and I can confirm the majority of Brazilian women are highly attractive, very friendly, and easy to pick up and get laid. They are open-minded, very sexual, and down to fuck fast if they like you. In Brazil, it's perfectly normal to mouth-kiss a girl within the first 10 min of interaction with her. I rate women from Sao Paulo as better than women from Rio. Because Sao Paulo is a much bigger, wealthier, and safer city than Rio. Women are better dressed and invest more money in their looks (gym, makeup, plastic surgeries).

Brazilian women will spoil you and please you in every possible way. If you are coming from a Western country (poisoned by leftists and feminism) and you have never been to Brazil, I don't really have words to explain the raw femininity of Brazilian women to you as you can't even imagine this. Every man must visit Brazil once in his lifetime. Brazil is the ultimate Pussy Paradise. But not just that. Brazilian women are top material for a girlfriend or a wife.

You can apply for Sao Paulo Infield Training where I will teach you how to approach, seduce, and get laid with Brazilian women easily.


Colombia is second on the list of easiest countries to get laid. Colombia is pretty close to Brazil both in terms of female beauty and how easy it is to get laid. My clients and I got laid a bunch of times in Medellin. Girls from Medellin are very beautiful and feminine, receptive to cold approaches, warm with great smiles, very positive and cheerful personalities, and very easy going, they really like to kiss and cuddle and have sex a lot so it is one of the easiest countries to get laid with women. Colombian women are passionate and affectionate and they will do anything for a man they love.

You can apply for Medellin Infield Training where I will teach you how to approach, seduce, and get laid with Colombian women easily.

Both Brazil and Colombia are countries with curviest women on the planet so it is a no-brainer for any male traveler who is into stacked curvy women which are easy to get laid with.

My Clients had the easiest time picking up hot Latina women and getting laid in both countries. In Brazil and Colombia, SDL (same-day lays) are very common.


The Philippines and Thailand are the easiest Asian countries to get laid in the world.

Girls in both countries are very down to fuck and to meet foreign guys who are perceived as exotic, taller, and more attractive than local men. Filipina and Thai women are much more sexually open-minded than women in other parts of Asia. Both Thai and Filipina women are slender with beautiful faces and great smiles. Filipina women are on average somewhat curvier. Girls in the Philippines mainly have tanned skin while in Bangkok Thailand you can find both white and tanned Asian women. The rest of Asia kind of dislikes tanned Asian women so they are the easiest pick for getting laid. Some of the dirtiest sex I had was with Filipina women. Both Filipina and Thai women are very feminine and submissive and they will follow the lead of their man. My Clients tend to get laid easy in both countries. Women will give you "the look" and smiles here. Same-day lays are common in both the Philippines and Thailand. I suggest going to Manila or Bangkok (and not to touristy places) in order to pick up educated girls from the upper middle class and richer families as they are more likely to speak English. English levels on average are way better in Manila Philippines. Both the Philippines and Thailand are cheap to visit.

You can apply for Manila Infield Training and Bangkok Infield Training where I will teach you how to approach, seduce, and get laid with Filipina and Thai women easily.


Hungary is the easiest European country to get laid. Hungary is the #1 world country with the most adult movie stars per 1 million people. Hungarian women are great-looking and kind of slutty on average which makes Hungary one of the easiest countries to get laid in the world, a perfect location for daygame and nightgame. I find Hungary to be the easiest country to get laid in Europe. Hungary is cheap to live in and stay with good accommodation options. Budapest is a very touristy city with vivid and famous nightlife. Guys who are into nightgame will do well here.

You can apply for Budapest Infield Training where I will teach you how to approach, seduce, and get laid with Hungarian women easily.


Poland is another easy country in Europe to get laid.

Polish women are very beautiful, mainly blondes with nice figures. Facial beauty is pronounced here. Polish girls are feminine and well-built with very beautiful faces on average. Out of all the places I have been (with the exception of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus), I find Polish women to have the most beautiful faces on average.

In Warsaw Poland, women are very approachable, easy going, and polite. There are no rude rejections here. It's a great place for coaching the guys with approach anxiety due to this fact. However, SDL (same-day lays) are very rare here. The dating Culture of Polish women will require you to go on 2-3 dates before getting laid. Don't take this as hard, Polish women are easygoing and just require more time to relax. Once you get them in bed, you will have a blonde bombshell girlfriend afterward.

I highly highly recommend visiting Poland for all guys who are blonde lovers. I would even say it's a must-visit country for any serious player.

You can apply for Warsaw Infield Training

where I will teach you how to approach, seduce, and get laid with Polish women easily.


China is the easiest Asian country to get laid (for white guys). With its massive cities and rivers of women in the streets, it is very easy to find and approach slim, good-looking women. Chinese women are shy and very submissive with a strong girlish vibe. They are quite horny and open for sex. Chinese women particularly like white men, taller than average Chinese, who are dominant and take the lead. If you meet this criterion, you will be gaming in God mode and have an extremely easy time getting laid in China. Something to add: the tall, white, and big nose is perceived as attractive by Chinese women. In my opinion, Chinese women are the best-looking of all Asian women. English levels are bad yet if you focus on upper middle class and businesswomen (like I do), you will have no issues as they all speak English. The problem is only with girls who do not speak or understand any English. If you approach them and open in English, they tend to shy away (in order not to look stupid). So I highly advise you to learn 10 sentences in the Chinese language to be able to open all girls. The specific thing that I noticed is that Chinese women grow full bush down there (they do not shave or wax at all) so it might be an interesting country if this is your thing.

You can apply for:

where I will teach you how to approach, seduce, and get laid with Chinese women easily.


The strongest travel motivation for most single men is meeting and getting laid with attractive, feminine, approachable, and polite women who are into them.

There are many countries where you will have an easy time getting laid with attractive women.

According to my client's success stories and preferred destinations it is clear that

Brazil, Colombia, Philippines, Thailand, Hungary, Poland, and China are the easiest countries in the world for meeting beautiful women and getting laid.

What is your opinion? If you have any questions, please write them in the comments section below. 👇

Click on the link to learn my world-renowned SYSTEM on how to approach women you find attractive, seduce them and rapidly build a connection, get laid, and get yourself a girlfriend. The system is optimized for fast lays and infield tested worldwide. My clients and I used this SYSTEM to get laid many many times in 58 countries!

If you are experiencing approach anxiety make sure to read my ebook JUST FUCKING DO IT™ - How to Get Rid of Approach Anxiety Once and For All and break free from fear to seize life's incredible opportunities!


You can apply for Geomaxed Live Infield Training in all mentioned and many more countries where our Coaches and I will personally coach and mentor you on how to overcome approach anxiety, pickup, seduce, and get laid with beautiful women Daygame or Nightgame.

Spots are limited, apply now for one of the countries and learn how to get laid easily.

Andreas Ardent

World's Best Dating Coach for Men

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