We will meet at public places and work together to get you overcome anxiety, approaching, talking to women, getting numbers, and getting dates, pulling them home and getting laid.
Intensive Daygame coaching sessions during the daytime
Being able to approach attractive women during the daytime and actually connect with them, build attraction, and potentially go on a date is an incredibly powerful asset to possess. Our daygame coaching is tailored to equip you with the skills to enable this.
If you are a shy guy who lacks confidence to approach women and struggles to hold meaningful conversations with women then we can help you. We will coach you how to get out of it. You will learn how to become confident and attractive to women and overcome anxiety. What you will find is that these skills and new-found confidence will trickle over to other areas of your life such as in your career or in your social life to make you a better, more well-rounded version of yourself.
If you are more of an intermediate who doesn't struggle with confidence or making an approach but struggles to build attraction when talking to women, runs out of things to say, fails to touch and kiss or to pull women home, or perhaps experiences a lot of flakes or get numbers that lead nowhere, we can help you with these essential dating skills.
What I advocate is an honest, direct approach to meeting women. I don't believe in using "fancy tricks" or "gimicks" or being manipulative to get women to sleep with you or pretending to be someone you are not. I believe you can remain true to who you are while becoming more confident in yourself and, by extension, more attractive to women.
Coaching Options
We offer one on one daygame coaching at the location of your choice Worldwide or Group Infield Daygame Coaching at one of our Bootcamps in Major Global Cities hosted on 5 continents.
I am spending more time abroad doing international bootcamps where I coach guys daygame. I would highly recommend joining me for one of these for an all-round incredible experience with girls who are typically far hotter, friendly and more receptive than girls we are used to in US, UK and Western Europe. Our Daygame Coaches will generally be doing bootcamps in North/South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand and even one in the middle east (Dubai). Depending on the Bootcamp location, one Coach from our team will conduct the coaching with you. Rest assured they are all a top tier Daygame Coaches with very high lay counts and over a decade of successful track record with women. There are no interns or newbie coaches. I work only with best of the best as it is critical for Daygame Coaching success for our Clients.

Why Daygame Coaching?
Perhaps you are a guy who already tried online dating/tinder and had no luck. Perhaps you have ventured into sweaty, overpriced nightclubs and come away thinking what was the point of that? Perhaps there are no women that you find attractive in your current social circle. I would strongly recommend you to learn daygame as it will give you unlimited options to meet women at any place, anytime, anywhere in the world.
What Our Daygame Coaching Offers You
Full, infield training with myself or one of our coaches specialised in Daygame, where experienced daygame coach will custom tailor each session to your specific challenges and sticking points.
A combination of practical and verbal teaching (with emphasis on the practical).
A comprehensive breakdown and analysis of your interactions, supplemented with demonstrations.
A step-by-step approach to your development so you are not being thrown into the deep end right from the start. We will work in a gradual fashion so you are not overwhelmed.
I will hook you up with a wireless microphone so I can hear exactly what you're talking with women when you're in the field to then give feedback what to correct or improve
I will record you on camera and later give you feedback on your and her body language which is critical to understand well, so that you can see what to improve.
A highly skilled mentor with massive international daygame experience to ensure your rapid progress with women.
We don't teach you only to approach, talk and take numbers; we are focused on the end goal - getting laid with women and getting a girlfriend.
What I Expect From You?
The self-determination to attend daygame coaching sessions and to succeed in picking up and seducing women. There will be hurdles, a lot of rejection and setbacks along the way but its important that you focus on your goal and the progress you are making.
The ability to take constructive crticiism and feedback and to take advice and apply it.
The understanding that a lot of work and dedication is required on your end to master daygame. Women aren't going to be flocking to you overnight. Once you master daygame your effort will pay out tenfold by being capable and confident to approach and seduce attractive women in any situation or venue.
What Can You Expect?
Our Daygame Coaching Philosophy
We believe daygame approaches should be calm, natural, direct, honest and unapologetic, and focused towards the end goal - getting laid and getting a girlfriend. That is what I teach during infield daygame coaching.
We do not advocate "self amusement" or jumping monkey, RSD style fancy and gimicky game! We don't teach stand up comedy, we teach you how to get laid!
We will coach you to incorporate daygame into your daily life and approach wherever, whenever you see an attractive woman. This means approaching on your journey to and back from work, when you're shopping in a mall, walking down the street, sitting in a coffee shop and whatever situation you see fit.